Mission Statement | Stony Brook School, Long Island NY

The Stony Brook School is an independent college preparatory school (grades 7-12) that exists to challenge young men and women to know Jesus Christ as Lord, to love others as themselves, and to grow in knowledge and skill, in order that they may serve the world through their character and leadership.

Founded in 1922 with the motto “Character Before Career,” The Stony Brook School seeks to educate students in matters of the mind, body, and heart. Students are challenged to become leaders with integrity and virtue; character development is considered an essential component of the educational process. While students are presented with the gospel of Jesus Christ, they are free to maintain their personal spiritual beliefs.

For over 100 years, our mission has remained the same—and this should tell you something about our school.  First, it means our convictions run deep. We believe wholeheartedly in our approach to schooling.  While other schools have turned away from their faith roots, we have not. Longevity, durability, faithfulness, loyalty, solidity—these are words that describe The Stony Brook School.

“Everyone who is seriously interested in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a spirit is manifest in the laws of the universe; a spirit vastly superior to man, and one in the face of which our modest powers must feel humble.”

Albert Einstein

We have the privilege of studying with zeal and passion the world God has made, and as we do, we grow in our capacity to wonder at the staggering intelligence behind the universe. 

Our mission states that we take what we learn and use it for the good of others. Our aim is no less than that our graduates would serve the world through what they have learned here. Through mentoring, real-life experience, and meaningful leadership opportunities that contribute to the well-being of the School community, Stony Brook students learn the value and power of character. They learn that it is more blessed to give than to receive; that humility and service are the pathway to greatness; and that giving up one’s life is truly the way to find it.

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