Community Service | Stony Brook School, Long Island NY

We look to form character through simple acts of selfless love that inspire ownership and produce meaningful work for the greater Three Village area and Long Island.Our emphasis is service learning! Service learning happens within the context of programs that are already in place. Having established important bonds, academic and athletic teams, dorms, clubs, and class councils serve together each year. Upon completion of the service, they reflect on their shared experience with their teams or small groups. This process aids in the shaping and formation of their character, truly learning what Character Before Career means in their life.

The foundation of this program is servant leadership, and through it, students will be doing three Service Projects each year and learning the skills and tools it takes to be an impactful leader. Recent service projects include “1 Million Book Giveaway” and “Do Good December.” Participating students will create their own service idea, called the “Impact Project,” which seeks to have a positive impact on the community.


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