Upper School | Stony Brook School, Long Island NY

The Stony Brook School offers summer classes through Gravitas and does not accept credit from other institutions for classes offered through Gravitas.

Please note that although summer course grades are on the student transcript, they are not factored into the student’s GPA.

If a student wishes to take a course for a credit that is not offered through Gravitas, that student must receive approval from the Academic Dean and the Department Chair before registering for the course.

For an approved summer course to count on a student’s SBS transcript, official transcripts for that course must be given to the Registrar by August 15th. Students should register for the next year’s SBS courses as if they did not complete their summer work. After the Registrar receives the summer transcript, the student’s schedule will be changed to reflect completion of the summer course.

SUmmer Reading

All English and History courses (9th-12th grade) have a summer reading and/or writing assignment due during the first week of class. Additionally, Advancement Placement courses may require students to do some work in advance. All summer reading assignments will be posted on the portal early in the summer. All students will need to purchase their summer reading books themselves using the provided ISBN numbers. Exact editions are required.

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